Business cards

Business card front, back in rolloverLast week I got my new business cards. The folks at Zalsman did a great job printing the range of colours carefully selected by Rob Krijgsman.

Movie embedding

Despite some seriously evil legal terms, I moved the instructional videos for the Joomla-SugarCRM bridge from to vimeo.
The guys at weren't able to deliver xhtml 1.0 strict validating embed code. I considered youtube. But the encoding quality of vimeo, when it comes to screen casts, beats the crap out of youtube's encoding.

Tweaking the site

Since a week I'm working in Haarlem every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. With the good folks of 2Value we're manning a new office at the Kenaupark. The synergy of sharing an office location can be a really good thing. One of the benefits is always having a usability guru around. Kor pointed me at some shortcomings of this website. Some of them I solved today.

Dutch Joomla Days 2009

The Dutch Joomla Days will take place at 12 & 13 June 2009 in the Mercure hotel in Nieuwegein. The event is aimed as much at the Joomla community as it is at professionals. The two day event will have a business - and a community oriented day.

New Layout

Code Culture has a brand-spanking new layout. My wonderful friends Leon and Rob from WAT Ontwerpers have concocted a colourful corporate identity, logo, and website design. The drupal theme for this website, I built myself. Though this is still a work in progress (and it probably will be a work in progress for the remainder of it's life), many of the elements of the new design are in place. Let me point out some highlights:

Custom fields in SugarCRM

I received a lot of questions about creating custom fields in SugarCRM. Custom fields are often required to get my SugarCRM authentication plugin for Joomla 1.5 to work. To be honest, I think you should know about creating custom fields before trying to authenticate your SugarCRM contacts in Joomla. Authentication can be tricky an it's good to have a solid grasp of both SugarCRM and Joomla before venturing on the path of remote authentication.


My coworkers at Tressis and me have created another green site. The website's layout is mainly blue, but the client is green at heart. E-Connection is a company that starts projects in sustainable energy, specifically wind energy. You could say they are a typically Dutch company, since they deal in wind mills. In their own words:

Glasvezel Community

Glass fiber internet connections are the future of broadband internet. It the next couple of years the amount of fiber connections is expected to grow exponentially. Right now the large communication corporations, cable suppliers, etc are making the necessary investments in the required infrastructure. Contrary to the introduction of DSL internet connections a couple of years ago, glass fiber requires a completely new web of cables. In large parts the in The Netherlands these cables still need to be placed but in a quite a few spots glass fiber connections are already available.

Roos Wouters

Roos Wouters is politicoloog, publicist, debatleider, adviseur, columnist en tekstschrijver. En dan heb je natuurlijk ook een website nodig. Op staat het veelzijdige portfolio van Roos overzichtelijk gebundeld. Naast de vanzelfsprekende uitleg over haar werk en diensten vind je er ook achtergrondinformatie en een CV. Je kunt er bovendien op de hoogte blijven van haar publicaties en mediaoptredens. Ze kan de site eenvoudig zelf beheren mbv Joomla CMS. Als bestuurslid van AVV heeft Roos al wat ervaring met Joomla opgebouwd. En met wat moeite en een standaard template prik je dan zo een mooie site in elkaar.


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